Optimum Polymer Technologies
Optimum FerreX Iron Remover - 500ml
Remove corrosive iron deposits with Optimum FerreX. Like most iron removers, Optimum FerreX Iron Remover changes color as it dissolves iron particles! You'll see that typical "bleeding" effect that you get from similar Iron Removers such as Iron X and Dragon's Breath. In addition to removing iron deposits, Optimum FerreX Iron Remover cleanses your paint of tar and old waxes, leaving the paint clean and ready for polishing. If your car vehicle has been outside for more than a week, airborne chemical compounds
and ferrous iron particles have already started to penetrate the paint. While it’s a relatively slow process, these iron deposits will eat away at the laquer over time, causing permanent damage. Optimum FerreX Iron Remover is one of the best wheel cleaners you will ever use. Wheels receive more iron contaminants than any other part of your vehicle, making them a perfect candidate for a cleansing with FerreX. Optimum FerreX Iron Remover will show you that it’s working by turning red as it dissolves iron particles!
Simply wash the desired surface with Optimum Car Wash, rinse thoroughly, spray FerreX directly onto the surface and allow 1-2 minutes of dwell time. Agitate with a sponge or brush as needed and rinse off with a strong jet of water. |