P&S Detail Products
P&S Finisher Peroxide Treatment
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P&S Finisher Peroxide Treatment finalises stain removal and ensures that your interior remains odour and stain-free.
Finisher Peroxide Treatment uses peroxide to eliminate odour causing molecules and organic stains that embed their way into the carpet and upholstery of your interior. This spray will also effectively sterilise the surface you use it on\, ensuring that your interior is not easily re-soiled again.
It assists in reducing water stains\, mildew and mildew odours as well as finalising any stain removal.
Finisher Peroxide Treatment is Step 3 in the P&S Interior Cleaning Process. Along with Terminator Enzyme Spot & Stain Remover (Step 1) and Carpet Bomber (Step 2). It can also be used as a standalone product.
Finisher Peroxide Treatment is intended to be used as the final step of the Double Black Interior Cleaning System. Once you have finished step #1 using Terminator and Step #2 Using Carpet Bomber\, spray a light mist of Finisher Peroxide Treatment onto the treated surface. Removal of any chemicals is required\, however\, if excessive moisture is present\, remove the excess by vacuuming.
Size: 473ml (16oz)